Anonymous ID: c12f95 Aug. 8, 2018, 2:22 a.m. No.2508260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8274 >>8301 >>8309 >>8312 >>8426


Baker…to me, when you insist on posting personal political spin in the bread (pic related), it becomes problematic. I was under the impression Baker's are to remain neutral, help keep the bread clean and organized. An umpire calling balls and strikes, not advocating. A baker can surely post anytime as anon while not baking. That I've seen the same meme type used before (bare-chested muse nibbling grapes w/ happy merchant in corner), I feel obligated to speak. When a baker advocates as such it implies it's an official unanimous sentiment. Please note my disapproval. I feel the same about judges who legislate from the bench…"muh, the Constitution is a living, hence malleable, document open to any interpretation and the law is what I say it is." Without the few 'originalists (strict constructionists), left on the bench we would have chaos. Please, let's keep the roles clearly defined. Thank you for your service.

Anonymous ID: c12f95 Aug. 8, 2018, 2:41 a.m. No.2508336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8352


You feel the need to have a captive audience to share your opinions? Wow. Very persuasive. Almost as strong as Sillicon valley deciding who gets to speak, and who doesn't. Again, sounds like we have differing views on the role of a baker. If you can't appreciate it also gives weight to people's concerns certain admins are comped, that's regrettable. That you would have the other meme at the ready, with a weak dismissal of a fair concern, I'll have to hope others can discern the problem. As I stated, you do not have my support for your forced propaganda, which sadly it isn't, when it's forced upon others. Please note, after (they), force Drudge, Breitbart and Fox off the net, and move in for their real target, us, you planted your flag to assist their effort. If 'hate speech' is what (they) label open debate, to censor it, it's not a stretch when they point at your post, the very first in the bread and sprayed by the moderator, to 'prove' (their) point and shut us down. You may think it's cute, personally I find it juvenile, but it is what it is. I can unabashedly say I played no part, and tried to discourage it. A bit shor-sighted it seems. You derive some selfish, childish satisfaction and the greater community eventually pays the price. Well done. You deserve a special prize.

Anonymous ID: c12f95 Aug. 8, 2018, 3:15 a.m. No.2508422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8428 >>8642 >>8720


Sorry, for some reason your weak attempt to blame me for your actions has no affect. In fact you only proved my point. I simply pointed a light in your direction, and you ran. Triggered, as (they) began to call it during the obama years. Isn't that the old refrain about the Jews…shine a light, cockroaches and all?


At least you have been exposed, and by your own making. I took the hit, which is fine, but I drew you out. You've lost your cover, totally exposed. I have faith your location has been spotted.


It's a cute little trick, but again, very weak. You claim I'm 'projecting' - you throw out false charges against me - and try to use said criticism to deflect. Again, sorry, no dice. You have shown your hand, and it's a busted flush. 'I'm' using 'Rules for Radicals?'…by the way, it's the title of Alinski's book, which is one more talking point than you're able to remember. Now 'I'm' the screaming kike using the same old 'tactics.' I guess if you pull up my post history you'll find nothing but support for Hillary too? She idolized Saul, you know, when she wasn't praying at Byrd's feet.


CoinIntelPro - I admit I need sleep, I'm tired and fatigued, but please know I'm still wide awake. I'll leave it to CM, BO and others who have access to make a note. I, on the other hand, make no attempt to hide. Static IP, more or less. I'm more than willing to have this discussion, with you, in the open.


You're so stuck on Brock and Brennan's jock I'm tempted to say you're a glowing faggot, but I prefer not to call names. Unlike you I'll let others come to their own conclusions.


I must say though, only myself to blame. I've allowed you to steal an hour of my time, which is (partly) your goal. I simply couldn't accept the reality that I must filter the baker! Where do I go from there? How cute. Next year I think I'll fall in and get my flu-shot. I'll eat more poisoned food and stay out in the nano-aluminum air a bit more often. Whatever it takes to be fooled by these weak and pathetic slides. I yearn to pull the curtain back and return to Kansas once again. How Orwellian indeed. I swim in polluted waters, poisoned by the Great and Wonderful Oz himself.


"There's no place like home."

"There's no place like home."




"There's no place like home."

Anonymous ID: c12f95 Aug. 8, 2018, 5:40 a.m. No.2508822   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is an underlying reason this video is so effective and well-made. Not the ONLY reason, but an important one.

There are messages being conveyed without having to explicitly say them. The producer long graduated from third grade. Anyone, who without a calcified pineal gland, still has the ability to think critically understands what is being said.

It's a powerful clip and one that can be proudly shared. Cheers anon for the post. At a quick glance of some of your others I must say you get it. Please consider baking.


"And when I became a man I gave up childish things."