2017 National Defense Authorization Act contains the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Foreign Disinformation Act ("quietly slipped in"). This tracks the language of HR 5181, with which we are all familiar because Q posted a link to it.
tl;dr: see opinion at the end of the post.
2017 NDAA
Specific changes from HB 5181:
NDAA does not include HR 5181 Section 1 "Short Title" or Section 2 "Sense of Congress"
Establishment of the Global Engagement Center:
Drops naming the Director of National Intelligence and the Broadcasting Board of Governors in establishing the Center.
Changed "collect, integrate, and analyze" to "analyze".
Dropped "use of covert or clandestine special operators and agents to influence targeted populations and governments".
Dropped coordination with "international organizations and entities such as the NATO Center of Excellence on Strategic Communications, the European Endowment for Democracy, and the European External Action Service Task Force on Strategic Communications" and retains coordination with "United States allies and partner nations".
Added "Maintain, collect, use, and disseminate records (as
such term is defined in section 552a(a)(4) of title 5, United States Code) for research and data analysis of foreign state and
non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts and communications related to public diplomacy efforts intended for foreign audiences. Such research and data analysis shall be reasonably tailored to meet the purposes of this paragraph and
shall be carried out with due regard for privacy and civil liberties guidance and oversight.
Changed "The Secretary of State shall appoint [Coordinator]" to "[Head of Center] shall be an individual who is an official of the Federal government official, who shall be appointed by the President"
Added "The President shall designate a senior official to develop guidance for the Center relating to relevant privacy and civil liberties laws and to ensure compliance with such guidance."
Dropped the "Steering Committee" whichy had included appointees from "Director of National Intelligence, the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, and the Chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors."
Dropped "the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs" as the chairman of the Steering Committee.
Changed everyone else but the Head of Center and the civil liberties guidance official to "Employees of the Center".
Dropped the Director and other personnel appointed by the Steering Committee chairman and approved by the Steering Committee "without regard to the civil service laws and regulations"
Retained the Federal employees detailed to the center.
Added "personal service contractors…to obtain specialized skills or experience or to respond to urgent need".
Added only 50 citizens and aliens may work as personal service contractor at any time.
Transfer Of Amounts Authorized:
Added authorization an amount not to exceed $60,000,000 to be transferred from Department of Defense funding to the State Department for operation, but only if the total amount authorized is below $80,000,000 for each year.
Dropped appropriation of $20,000,000 to the Secretary of State for the Center operations.
Information Access Fund:
Unchanged, but note this is the section where "civil society groups, media content providers, nongovernmental organizations, federally funded research and development centers, private companies, or academic institutions" are paid to identify and counter "misinformation and disinformation" both abroad and domestically.
Adds requirements to check "bona fides" of grantees.