Anonymous ID: 0b1512 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:16 a.m. No.2508981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9069


Yeah, but keep in mind that Ohio was a close call, we won that one by a nose. This should not happen next time or even in mid-terms. I want to see a big fat Red Wave throughout all our country. Remember what Q said: >>>Their entire future depends on winning majority in the House<<<

Anonymous ID: 0b1512 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:23 a.m. No.2509015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9045 >>9241


Dude. Could you for one time not only cry concern fagging and THINK a bit?


Ohio is a repub country, that's a fact. It shouldn't have been a close one for Balderson, so we at least have to consider two things:


1.) Votes are still manipulated by dems

2.) As some data showed (not sure if legit) Republican turnout was just 40% (and that made me really angry), whereas Democrat turnout was 85% (yeah, it actually makes no sense, which means that there was probably fuckery involved)


So, get up your asses and vote Rep!

Anonymous ID: 0b1512 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:35 a.m. No.2509091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9126 >>9200 >>9427



Sorry, but I disagree: Even if we would now de-classify everything and arrest the criminals , no MSM would cover it. Even worse, The MSM would quickly spin this to a: "POTUS is revealing government secrets for Putin" or "POTUS is practicing fascist methods by arresting Democrats" and boom the same shit still continues. Even if we would put out all the truth in the world, it wouldn't change a damn thing, because the majority does not give a fuck. Do you know how hard it is to free someone from daily indoctrination? Anyone who is here either had a sceptic mind by birth (and it only needed to be triggered by the right circumstances) already and thus was never really intended to believe in media or went through traumatic events to see the truth for themselves. But many lefties were born INTO this leftist agenda. And if you are born INTO an agenda, it follows you from birth to adultery. It makes you absolutely blind. There is even a biological explanation for that cognitive dissonance. Redpilling someone is not easy. It really isn't. So, redpilling a majority of people who are still clinging to the leftist agenda is another hard task, which cannot be simply accomplished by just declassifying everything and starting arrests.


There has to be a very specific overton window, one that is so impactful that even Democrats are going to vote for Reps, so impactful that lefties are finally seeing through this crap. Now, the problem is, it cannot be ONE big overton window. It has to happen in small steps, progressively and not radical. Trump is using the exact same technique by the Elite just in reverse. Reveal every truth step by step, a "crumb" so to say. By each day a new truth is revealed about Dems like HRC, Obama, etc. the more impact it has in a long-term effect as the people are literally forced to put the puzzle together themselves. But if we would declassify everything and tell the truth immediately, it would be way too much for people to handle and the chances are high they wouldn't comprehend it and ignore it. Do you get what I am trying to say?


Small crumbs have more impact, when added to another crumbs in future than giving huge crumbs that possibly couldn't be comprehended all at once by people, especially those who aren't already redpilled.

Anonymous ID: 0b1512 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.2509106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9136



But we also should push the message that Reps should not just sit and wait, but also VOTE! Even if we are in control, it could imply in someone's mind: "Uoh, don't need to vote, majority is voting anyway." → So, VOTE VOTE VOTE Reps.

Anonymous ID: 0b1512 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:41 a.m. No.2509129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9206 >>9533 >>9622


"Collins officially endorsed Donald Trump for president on February 24, 2016, becoming the first sitting member of Congress to do so. He cited shared pasts in business and a need for businessmen in the White House as having influenced his decision.[46] On July 18, Collins seconded Trump's nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention. "




Possbile that he's just a trojan horse.

Anonymous ID: 0b1512 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:42 a.m. No.2509138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9150


Then be prepared that the truth, if revealed all at once, will have little to no impact. I told you, it's a biological thing.


What has to be done, is the following:

SMALL crumbs have MORE impact, when added to another crumbs in future than giving huge crumbs that possibly couldn't be comprehended all at once by people, especially those who aren't already redpilled. Small crumbs are likely to be added together to a complete puzzle, even by non-redpilled persons, because the information is still comprehensible. My 2cents.