Anonymous ID: 2cbdc6 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:52 a.m. No.2509220   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm tense & pissed that voter fraud is still allowed to happen just like the Roy Moore election…why has it not been stopped? They will only amp it up even more this November! We must get Voter ID & paper ballots for November! Enough is a fuckingnough of the illegals voting, dead voting, out of precinct voting, voting machines changing votes & more votes coming into districts by the hundreds than what is registered (like in Georgia).


When do WE stop ALLOWING the democrats to rig our elections!


Ohio should have NEVER been that close! After all the #WalkAway & the Dems supporting socialism, violence & pedophelia…there is no damn way that race was that close…or any of the other races!


Why won't Q expose the fraud? Sorry Anons, I'm fkng pissed that we barely took these seats & if we lose in November all of our hard work is for NOTHING!


Rant over (sorry for slide).