Anonymous ID: 426b94 Aug. 8, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.2509483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9489 >>9517 >>9527

Hello anons, been mostly lurking in these threads as I'm relatively new to Chan culture and didn't want to get in the way of yall doing what you do best. However, I thought of something the other day, and while it may have already been said I felt an urge to throw it out there anyway. Q keeps telling us that we, as the people, hold all the cards, and have the power to change the narrative. Since we've been seeing more and more of our people at trump rallies we've also been seeing the MSM shill harder and harder against us. Could this be what Q is referring to? The more people that show public support of Q at these rallies, the more the media flips out about it. Should we focus some effort into getting as many people at these rallies to hold up Q signs as possible? Obviously getting as many of our people to go that can is a good step in the right direction, but we might be able to speed up the process if some of you going to these rallies brought Q signs/fliers/posters to hand out to people, both for people who are already red pilled and to red pill normies.


TLDR: if we get as many people as we can to hold up Q signs at trumps rallies, we will force the media's hand.