Anonymous ID: 98cb34 Aug. 8, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.2509552   🗄️.is 🔗kun

fascinating read.



I urge (EU-)anons to have more that a look. Read and ARCHIVE offline.

A lot of material has disappeared already and this is bound to go on at an accelerated pace.


Joined you'll find a screengrab of THE STRASBOURG RESOLUTIONS as published in the magazine Eurabia no. 2 in July 1975. Edited by the European Coordinating Committee of friendship Societies with the Arab World. Whatever that may be, and I'm sure y'all have never heard of it.

Wonderful secretive times pre internet, remember?

Make no mistake, it is quite hard to find the text or the magazine for that matter.

I've found a recent reupload in a dutch web publication (from where I took the pic) and here's the link for those who prefer textual access to pictural. Hurry up because this shit happens to autodestruct fast. ARCHIVE.

This is the precursor/prelude to such texts as the Barcelona Declaration and recently the Declaration of Marakesh.