Anonymous ID: a88ba5 Aug. 8, 2018, 7:18 a.m. No.2509491   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I know many of you have seen the cheesy 80s movie Flash Gordon. Knowing what you know now…

>Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

Have you ever noticed how completely packed with symbols this film is?

>What does the "Owl" represent to certain cults?

(pic related, screenshot in movie)

Here's some screenshots, but there is a pretty good 2yo dig here w/ more of these screens and some explanations. The author of this article sounds jwoke but was hiding his power level much more 2yo ago then he does now, looking at his recent posts.


I watched it recently and one of the most eyebrow raising parts was when the (((Scientist))) douchebag says he was able to fight Ming's brainwashing machine by reciting the Talmud. The Talmud? No wonder he's willing to kidnap Flash, try to get him to start a revolution, and sacrifice him, all while pretending to be on Flash's side the whole time. Sounds all too familiar.


The other weird thing that stood out was Ming has this little room with these guys who monitor everything w/ screens attached to their eyes (pic related). This is like Q and the NSA - they have the ability to spy on everything and everyone, and yeah they're not the good guys.


Also check out Ming's pyramid w/ the flat top. When they approach there is clearly an eye at the top of it.


Most of the characters in the movie are wearing the Star of Remphan.


The Flash archetype is a lot like Trump. Same hair. Same simple man w/ big heart persona. Makes me question whether Trump is just (((their))) tool in some phony revolution to reshape the world's power structure the way they want it, inb4 muh shill.