Anonymous ID: d58824 Aug. 8, 2018, 7:02 a.m. No.2509334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9518




History of how one of the worlds most Flammable Trees ended up in California.

California planted some of the most flammable trees known to man back in the mid 1800's during the gold rush.The Eucalyptus has been know to "explode" and is considered one of the most robust and invasive species of tree known to man. Eradicating them is almost nearly impossible nad what was thought to have good lumber characteristics was proved to be wrong as the wood warps and shrinks.


"However, Farmer rejects the claim that eucalyptus is very invasive. He also reports the studies that find equal diversity and abundance of wildlife in eucalyptus forest and native woodlands. Claims to the contrary are often used by native plant advocates to justify the eradication of the eucalyptus forest.


Farmer ultimately concludes that eucalypts in California are dying of old age, implying that this will be the graceful resolution of the conflict about their existence in California. We believe he is mistaken in that judgment. Blue gum eucalyptus lives in Australia from 200-500 years, towards the longer end of that range in milder climates such as the San Francisco Bay Area. Our blue gums haven’t been here that long, so we don’t yet know how long they will live here. However, many professional arborists with no vested economic interest in their destruction have judged our eucalyptus forest in the Bay Area to be healthy.


We don’t advocate for planting blue gum eucalyptus. In any case, they aren’t available in nurseries in California any more. We ask only that existing trees be allowed to die of natural causes because of the environmental damage that would be done by destroying them prematurely: the release of millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the spraying of herbicides to prevent them from resprouting, the loss of the habitat they provide."


Californian investors plant flammable trees, trees cause fires, Californians won't remove the trees because of the CO2 released.


Also suggesting we do a dig on who was behind the Cali Tree Act of 1868. Could have been the NWO changing strategy after the civil war with the gold rush etc.


Congrats Cali, you played yourself.