Anonymous ID: f52f6c Aug. 8, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.2509045   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9056


I get where you are coming from. I think voter turnout may have been part of the problem. If you can source your number, then you'll know EXACTLY what happened. No corruption; simply a matter of turnout. Think of it this way:

40% of Republicans showed

80% of Dems showed

Republicans STILL ONE by about 1 percent. That means there really are TWICE as many Republicans, in that one district in Ohio, than Democrats.


Impressive, yes. Not worth a shit, though, if people don't show up to vote!

Anonymous ID: f52f6c Aug. 8, 2018, 7 a.m. No.2509307   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9381


Yeah, 8ch was under "new management" long before then. Point is, these shills coming her and posting what they post? They have NO IDEA what it is they are actually doing.


Remember Guido, the dude that paid Avenatti a visit? Remember gore/bbc/gay shills? Yeah…

Anonymous ID: f52f6c Aug. 8, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.2509354   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9360 >>9394 >>9550


>Yeah, a pig farmer in the Phillipines… MI, or the opposite?

The revolutionists were all farmers. Irrelevant statement.


>If 8chan is owned by our guys, then why is there so much OBVIOUS fuckery? FLAMINGLY APPARENT case in point:

Ever heard of a honeypot?


>/qanon/ - Were on the road to nowhere

Who runs that, us? Nope.


>Why are OURGUYS 8chan owners completely fucking the board by placing this ad at the top?

You have exactly ZERO evidence of that.


>Come on now, be reasonable.

I am. So far, you aren't presenting evidence or being reasonable yourself at all.



Not a history guy, eh?

“that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”



It's not fake, and he even posted the Dost to make a very clear and concise point about Tits shills using the Tits angle to start posting "hard to tell" porn just to slide threads into banter. These images started very heavily resembling CP. Again, you aren't proving anything.


>Again– come on now. Be realistic.

Again, come on now. EXPAND YOUR THINKING.

Anonymous ID: f52f6c Aug. 8, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.2509484   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9522 >>9550


Your entire post is intended to be division shilling. It's not working. is a user ran community. Each person can come here, create a board, and manage it themselves. /qresearch/ shares a hallway with /qanon/ and /x/ and /leftypol/. Who gives a fuck what is what outside of this board right here?


8ch is a Free Speech hub. It hosts Free Speech boards. So much so that crazy cunts like those "zoo" types also come here. That would be an interesting spot for a honeypot, don't ya think? I mean, you are arguing for Q while not acknowledging that Q has his shit hosted on the same website that have a loli board. But what argument, exactly, are you trying to make? Is Q real and a nut for Free Speech? or is Q not real, and you're just trying to division shill?


8ch isn't what you think it is, and that's a good thing. Unless you think your name is in one of the nearly 50K sealed documents, then what does it matter where this is hosted at?


>Why did Q say the board is "infiltrated and internally disrupted"? Make you answer realistic, reflecting a grasp of the big picture, and our mission. Thanks.

Again, Q has reminded us, over and over, that every tactic has/is being employed against us. Infiltration (twitter, qresearch, facebook; Corsi, Jones, etc.) and disruption (porn/gore/bbc/gay/loli/CP/nudity; none of which have anything to do with actual free speech) are their tactics. Q has warned us repeatedly. You are attempting to misconstrue Q's message. Again; division shilling.
