>>2510262 lb
I have 10 caps of AZAZ0909. Filenames contain date/time of capture.
Part 1 of 2.
R7, standby for part 2.
AZAZ0909 current position reported by ADSB is nowhere near Stewart. Those were old, historic, screencaps. Date/time is ended in each filename.
AZAZ0909 is currently passing Kansas City westbound and is over Kansas. It took off from Fort Belvoir approx. 2 hrs 46 min ago.
R7, over.
>Date/time is ended in each filename.
Typo correction:
Date/time is ENCODED in each filename.
Reserve planefag R7 standing by for further orders, if any.
This anon tries to timestamp everything in UTC (standard designation: Z). Have noticed some app timezone fuckery after suspend. This anon is NOT in central time zone.
Roger, standing order to camp on AZAZxxxx confirmed. Observations finally starting to come together.
R7, over.