why isn't q redpilled on the jews
in other words, when will the current administration recognize the need for an ethnostate to prevent despots on foster racial cohesion
why isn't q redpilled on the jews
in other words, when will the current administration recognize the need for an ethnostate to prevent despots on foster racial cohesion
not a bot, concerned citizen. I pray the adminstration will see the truth in the need for an ethnostate, like japan
whatever civ nat fag, realize that trump has already cut all forms of immigration, legal or illegal, he may be a civic nat, but i think he recognizes it
parts of michigan are FULL of the only ethnic swedes in the nation, as well as many germans. i was wonder why the water wouldn't have been fixed by now i but i was chalking it up to black incompetence
anyone in new york? lots of chemtrails in the sky today.