You may have under 18.
Requesting file del.
not at all, let's not kill bread w/ arguments and contra arguments.
I'm not againsy boobs or ass, but something that could ve indentified as over 18. Like BO said.
I love amazing azz, other boobs, but….they are waiting for mistakes.
Let's not give them the chance.
You know what this MF can do?
They forced ppl to fk kids, under gun, so that can control him.
Now imagine (((them))) forcing a girl to post tits, and fake a request, from an anon - that is him (deep state)- and girl go out and complain.
you fuck, open the fucking mind and start to think outside the box
You need to grow some brain.
There was an atempt of 187 POTUS, and you think this is a joke?