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Collins calls investigation into former Chief of Staff (Christopher Grant) by Eric Schneiderman a "Witch Hunt"
Pigeon felony trial set for October 2018
So the FBI and State Troopers show up at your front door …
MAY 29, 2015 / KKRULY
Certainly some interesting political developments yesterday. Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert indicted; former State Senate Majority Dean Skelos indicted; and the FBI, state troopers and state Attorney General staff search the homes of Steve Pigeon, Steve Casey and Chris Grant. And oh yeah, the Sabres finally hired a new coach and former Governor George Pataki announced his candidacy for president. It’s amazing that the News could cram it all into this morning’s edition.
This post concentrates on the local angle – the Pigeon-Casey-Grant story. This is primarily a “what we know” or “what we know if we dig a little” post. There are a lot of facts and history involved in all of this.
First a point of order and a disclaimer. The point of order is that none of the three politicos has been arrested, indicted or charged with anything. And even if that does happen, they are entitled to the presumption of innocence. Pigeon has repeatedly labelled accusations against him a “political witch hunt.” This post will just lay out some facts and history. As Pete Seeger sings in “Waist Deep in the Big Muddy,” “well, I’m not going to point any moral; I’ll leave that for yourself…”
And the disclaimer. I’ve known Steve Pigeon for over thirty years. We’ve never been what I would call friends. I supported Dave Swarts when he challenged Steve for the Democratic chairmanship in 2000. In 2002 I ran against Steve for chairman along with Len Lenihan and Jim Keane, and of course Len won.
finish reading here https:// politicsandstuff.com/2015/05/29/so-the-fbi-and-state-troopers-show-up-at-your-front-door/
https:// www.nystateofpolitics.com/2015/09/wny-congressman-sounds-off-on-investigation-involving-former-aide/