Without Jeff Sessions there would be no Russian Hoax…..
Sessions is deep state.
Without Jeff Sessions there would be no Russian Hoax…..
Sessions is deep state.
The was to see the truth in July…. Still waiting.
Q is batting at around 30%, the majority of his info is total bullshit, very little has materialised.
I sure as shit don't trust Sessions.
Now Q is playing qresearch for fools…. His comments on dems being in the kill box don't add up.
Q is full of shit, he said [RR] Would be forced out or fired six months ago…
I support Q but it disappoints me when Q Bullshits on this board.
I believe what Trump says about Sessions and Rosenstein not Q.
Sorry but Q is wrong.
Remember Q said the IG report would be deadly, big ass nothing burger.
Q said [RR] was in the kill box six months ago, would be forced out or fired…..wrong again lmao
Trump don't trust Sessions or Rosenstein for shit and if you think so you are a deluded fool.
Only a idiot would trust Sessions.
Jeff Sessions betrayed Trump and allowed Mueller and Rosenstein to make every attempt to impeach Trump.
Sessions just resign already.