Anonymous ID: 333fda Aug. 8, 2018, 12:24 p.m. No.2513304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3357 >>3420


For the morons that think that is a suspect address, that is a direct IP address bypassing the DNS servers so he does not get censored. That IP address is from



Trump junior made a public comment about Infowars getting banned and the white house is well aware that such action by corporations violates monopoly laws and is illegal. The President now can choose to take action on the topic, or be suspected as secretly helping the enemy.


Ok, with that out of the way, Disqus canceled comments at Infowars, his mail got shut down, and there were a few other things I can't remember. But I can clearly state what it all means:


This mirrors exactly what the communists did in Russia 100 years ago


This is a classic move that mirrors the communist takeover of Russia, within a year to the century of when they did it there. AND GUESS WHAT? Everyone suspected it was a Jewish takeover of Russia, with only a few apologists saying But wait, this guy and this guy and this other guy here were not Jews, so it was not a Jewish takeover. The actual number: Approximately 85 percent Jews and 15 percent non Jews, who were no doubt idiots so useful they were allowed to ride the bumper. FACT: It was a Jewish takeover pure and simple.

And they are at it again.


FIRST ITEM: Name ONE tech firm that took action against Infowars that was not owned or managed by Jews. Try to. There are ZERO.


SECOND ITEM: Name ONE half well known media outlet that has bashed Trump that is not Jewish owned. There are NONE.


OBVIOUS CONCLUSION: The Jews, who put communism in place in Russia have a policy of enslaving nations via communism, and are in the final stages of it now in America, pulling the EXACT same tricks they pulled in Russia. There's no difference. There is such a paralell that there's no question we are headed for a BIG FAT UKRAINE if we sit around and let it happen. It is the exact same script.


I may be punished for saying this, but the bottom line at this point is people had damn well better start talking seriously about what the Jews are doing, as a concerted cohesive group, or we are all toast. This site's days are numbered anyway, I might as well bravely mention the root cause of all this evil while I still can.


And they spent the last 50 damn years drilling into everyone's heads that violence is wrong, because it is what they fear - the ONLY thing they fear, (It is the only thing that can counter their filthy creeping subversion) and when the enforcement systems that can purge ther evil have been infiltrated as badly as they are - so badly there's no such thing as rule of law to turn back their aggressions against society, violence is the only avenue of correction. There's no question they have brainwashed everyone into a mental state where their victory is assured. Even Alex is preaching "no violence" as they tear him limb from limb. What then Alex? What are you going to do when your legs and arms are cut off? Peacefully protest as you and everyone else bleeds out and dies?