Look, anons:
It's fun to shit on people. Especially if you know you are right. Take Stranahan. He's a cunt. No seriously, he's a real asshole. He's bragged about his IQ, and flung insults at anons at the same time. Want to know the real truth, though? Some of you (us) anons deserve it. Lee isn't incorrect. Lee is SPOT ON. That's what makes him an asshole, you see. You (we) go to his Twitter and go "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING SEE WHAT I FUCKING SEE".
Let me tell you something; if a court of LAW worked that way, there'd be tons of people in death row right now. Innocent people accused.
One does not simply tell people Q is real without providing evidence.
Now, many of us have been here since Oct 28th because you, too, were sitting there, 3 nights before Halloween, after taking your oldest kid costume shopping, with your beer/night toddy in one hand, and the mouse in the other and 4chan/pol/ browsing threads going "Who the fuck is this fucking guy over here talking shit about Hillary, and are they legit?!"
We wanted it to be true then, and we still want it to be true now. We have something going for us in this "Q" phenomenon that "they" (other MAGA folks) don't; belief. How do you convince someone to believe the same thing you do?
Some of you think that because someone posted something audacious to a board at 12:30am EST talking shit about Hillary abusing a child, raping her, and eating her adrenal glands, that it MUST BE TRUE!!!!!!
The rest of us realize that evidence has to be fact-based. How do you do that? Put your thinking caps on, and research. Do Side-by-sides with Q drops and news sources. Do side-by-sides with news sources and anon observations. Q's here to guide us, but are we seriously going to just march into the sunset with Q and us "holding hands" after all the work is done?
FUCK NO. We have to do what "Freedom of the Press" has failed our republic for decades now. VERIFY AND POST THE FACTS OURSELVES. Drudge is a news aggregate site, but the bias is there. Fox is a biased news source. MSNBC is biased. CNN; biased. We anons have to be NON BIASED.
Stranahan, Adams, Posobiec, Alex Jones, and everyone that tangled with POTUS during the campaign prior to his election; what did they teach us? Be FAIR and STATE FACTS. Stop being whining bitches because some smart guy called you out on Twitter. Prove him wrong. If you can't? Then perhaps you should walk the fuck away from the conversation.
Believe what you want to believe, but take a piece of advice from Matthew 10:14:
"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet."
I'm going to add to that one. If Nobody is listening to your shit, perhaps learn how to frame your argument a little better. Then, you might sound more convincing.