Anonymous ID: 55af3e Aug. 8, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.2513783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YOU idiotic, inept & irresponsible reporter are a perfect example of why most people do NOT trust the media any longer! You inserted outright lies, you inserted YOUR obviously biased opinions, you put forth your BEST effort to steer the story to YOUR conclusion of what it was about, you tried connecting the story that you were supposed to be investigating to outlandish conspiracies & insinuated repeatedly that what you apparently hadn't even researched was dangerous! The ONE thing that you did not do, was YOUR duty to find out about the topic of your story! You put ZERO effort into that & it definitely showed in your ignorance & YOUR motives were quite transparent indeed when mocking the people you were interviewing in a very derogatory way! Why you refused to investigate and ask real questions is what people will take away from this sham of an expose! Why were you so frightened to ask the very basics any reporter would ask? It was painfully clear that the only knowledge you possessed on YOUR big story was most likely fed to you by a most junior level, lazy & unambitious research intern! Why did you neglect to even pursue the most perfunctory of research into what and who Qanon is? This was nothing but a hit piece & you're nothing but a disgrace to your profession!

Anonymous ID: 55af3e Aug. 8, 2018, 1:10 p.m. No.2513970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3983 >>3994 >>4017 >>4027 >>4031 >>4037 >>4066 >>4089 >>4200

Police Publish Antifa’s PUBLIC Arrest Records -And They’re P*SSED. Let’s Make Them FAMOUS!

August 8, 2018


Info for UNMASKED ANTIFA thugs from LATEST crime spree & arrests from Berkeley! In order of the pics above from top to bottom:


Berkeley Police announced the arrests on Sunday of three protesters on weapon possession charges: (left to right) Jason Wallach, 41, Kate Brenner, 69, and Kristen Edith Koster, 50. (Berkeley Police Department )


Arrested protesters Bella Podolsky, left, and Javier Cruz-O'Connell. (Berkeley Police)


Arrested protesters Ericka Sokolower-Shain, left, and Jamie Hill. (Berkeley Police )


Arrested protesters David Chou, left, and Freddy Martinez. (Berkeley Police)


Arrested protesters Maria Lewis, left, and Thomas Parker. (Berkeley Police)

Anonymous ID: 55af3e Aug. 8, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.2514180   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I provided sauce in previous bread earlier today but here ya go again! Twitter took them down due to decision made from Demonrat mayor after Berkeley PD published them, so I archived offline. Here is sauce from Fox tho:

Anonymous ID: 55af3e Aug. 8, 2018, 1:31 p.m. No.2514300   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This isn’t doxing. They aren’t including any sort of contact info, or anything that isn’t public information on their arrest record.


However, throwing eggs, fireworks, assaulting ppl, trying to destroy the USMC recruiting office, it's high time these FUKKERS were exposed & show the world the faces hiding behind the masks of all their fuckery!