Anonymous ID: 9e5381 Aug. 8, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.2514117   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Really? The bombing of Israeli norm fags by Islamic political stooges is just fine because, some Jews own everything and some Islamic wealth with clobber to make a stand away from their back yard funds death for all. Get a fucking broader perspective people, this is no different to 'muh whites' being held accountable for the bollocks of the white gentry and feudal overlords who took the 18th century to mean the 'free everything in the fucking world for us' century. Jesus the hypocrisy from anons on here is astounding and research? You couldn't fucking research this basic shit? See the history of elitist bullshit fucking over working class jews? Easier to deny they ever took a single drop for their overlords, the way we have? Those fuckers are in the exact same system of elitism as we are and there is no 'Jewish cabal' that isn't propped up by the pseudo 'Christian arm of the same' and the political Islamic arm of the same. It's all the fucking same and they all come from the fucking scribes, Pharisees, priests and prophets of Abraham. Gnosis is not THIS SHIT.