remember bakers first deal is best deal
since you don care about movement expose cabal/maga maybe you care about u self
stop the pam/bean$ q fraud
remember bakers first deal is best deal
since you don care about movement expose cabal/maga maybe you care about u self
stop the pam/bean$ q fraud
8.Some facts for you:
10.1. Despite what “Q” or the BO/Bakers or “Anons” tells you about the blackouts, why the board keeps going down, and why the trip was changed, it’s all BS (as usual). What they’ve been dealing with has been calculated and isn’t by chance. “There are no coincidences!” LOL.
11.2. It seems some “individuals” have provided the FBI the evidence of how fake Q is, and those involved in the scam. I hear the evidence is pretty damning too. It seems they’ve already been looking into all those involved in this scam. (Now’s a good time to come clean Ron 😉)
12.3. Infinity has been dealing with a bad bug (I hear it’s released some details that they didn’t want outed), many of the real “bad actors” involved are stressing now lol. Keep changing your trips, trading comps, and tunneling all you want, your time is running short. The last effort was closer than the previous one and you guys know it! You guys are still trying hard to keep the flow of money coming in but you’re feeling the pinch now aren’t you.
13.4. It’s not by chance that Anonymous is after these fools now 😉
14.5. Doxings are a coming 😉 along with real “Q proof” lol
baker u worried about q anon fraud from fbi?
what about the millions of heavily armed patriots u been lying to?
baker these people u been lying to and defrauding with q larp are patriots. know what that means? do u know how patriot's think. how Christian's with life after death think?
Q anon
no access.
no clearance.
no affiliation with GEOTUS
Real Q proof: