I want to show you some love. I feel you.
AJ, and a lot of otherwise good people have been broken against the rock of Q over their self interest. Ultimately, even if AJ is the best of men, he is now a Gatekeeper. He is a spigot coming from the reservoir of truth, but a spigot is not longer what people need, they need to learn to swim, so when it's time to drink the necessary truth, they are not looking for a spigot, they are just opening their mouths and taking a gulp.
Q puts us on that path. Alex is independent of the corporatocracy, but he created his own corporation. He is the one free man in that building he rents. The problem with listening to Alex Jones, is that you need to be Alex Jones. You can't be Alex Jones if he is your primary info source. He cannot survive as he is now unless he acts as an info source. He is smart enough to see his medium dying in 10 years, and he knows who his killer will be. That is why he tried to co-opt Q.