Anonymous ID: 64ecdb Aug. 8, 2018, 2 p.m. No.2514712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4738 >>4810 >>4919

I was listening to a Bill Smith YT today and he was questioning the legitimacy of Q’s 8/7 post on PatriotsFight. So I went and found the correct links (Lisa Mei posts says 2016 NDAA, should be 2017 NDAA). Link to 2017 NDAA is

I wasn’t listening closely to Bill Smith, but he generally said that everyone was taking it as true without saucing it: The $160mm appropriated for this Media scam.

So I went into the 1597 page document and using the find tool entered “$” to which there were 749 references. Next I went with “$1” getting 209 hits. “$16” got 6 hits and “$160” got one hit on page 750.


see pic


This has nothing to do with what Lisa Mai is posting.


I searched HR 5181 for the $160M with various search terms and got nothing.


So why is Q pointing us to a post that is making a claim on a document that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny?


I don’t have a reddit account or I would follow up with Lisa Mei directly. Perhaps I have the wrong source material.


Or is Disinformation necessary?