I suspect that this is a widespread phenomenon. In my experience, in CA, the most entrenched among the anti-Trump are the school teachers. There must be some more widely disseminated propaganda that is used on them particularly. I know that CA has a strong teachers organization, so maybe it has something to do with this. But we also have the US Department of Education. Do we have any school anons who might be able to dig for a more widespread effort to propagandize teachers?
Would be really funny in a sad way if she actually said that.
OMG! As much as I want to see this happen, please make sure he is well protected when he does come to a hearing.
What if we could change the flicker rate?
Wow. Dealing with mentally ill people who make serious and yet baseless charges is not easy for anyone involved. Been there, done that. Whatever the remedy is, it is as said: a problem cannot be solved at the same level at which it was created. The thought crossed my mind that this could be part of the plan, but I also doubt it.
Don't dox yourself or your gf. Especially the latter. It's just not cool.
Pic of guy with tats and a gun, maybe?
On what charge? "He supported the president"?
Doesn't explain "He's Hitler."
Just had a thought. They don't want to be tested, either. POTUS will want to make sure they can do their job.
For that to stick, we'd have had to have actually threatened someone.
I've got a similar situation to deal with in the family. Definitely looking for an answer to that one.
Unfortunately, he's not wrong.
It has something to do with submarines, too.
Witness list?
Speaking of which, Q posted a link to a memo about the memo. Where is the memo itself posted?