Anonymous ID: 42d022 Aug. 8, 2018, 5:09 p.m. No.2517155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2509569 (prev) Hey brother, there are some things that are worse than death!


The very fact that you articulate the difference between the circumstances of your birth and your desire for honor is a great thing!


None of it is easy…whether you're "born into it" or whether your a "proletariat" like many of us, we all have our cross to bear…but that's really not the point! The point that matters, is, what you do with the hand your dealt!


What a GLORIOUS thing, to be in your position and pitch it all for the sake of Righteousness! For the sake of doing what's right! No doubt you will suffer for it, but in the end, you must know you will profoundly regret NOT doing the right thing! "Pulling the trigger" or, "Crossing your Rubicon" is the first step…and the hardest step, but it all gets much simpler after that! I have a pretty good idea of what's ahead for me…and I've already decided "Whom" and what I will stand for, which makes me an enemy of "the bloodlines", so, I know, ultimately, a brutal death is likely…But I'm not worried about it because I know where I'm going after death!


The sacrifice here for the sake of Righteousness is a SMALL…TRIVIAL price to pay for the glory that awaits!


How tragic to embrace comfort for the next few years at the expense of eternal peace and glory! His Name Is Yahushua!


Go for it man…you won't reget it…EVER!