Anonymous ID: eb4dac Aug. 8, 2018, 4:43 p.m. No.2516839   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If JA testifies, expect huge protests and undermining of trying to find out the truth from the CABAL.


They will not allow him to testify without a huge fight.

Anonymous ID: eb4dac Aug. 8, 2018, 4:53 p.m. No.2516964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6996


"Assange’s Senate testimony could ‘destroy conspiracy theory that Russia hacked DNC’ – journalist"


f he accepts the Senate’s request to testify, Julian Assange may provide evidence that would upend allegations that Russia hacked the DNC, putting to rest two years of Russiagate hysteria, journalist Patrick Henningsen told RT.


The WikiLeaks founder should “absolutely” agree to speak with the US Senate Intelligence Committee – but his testimony may cause problems for devout followers of Russiagate’s main tenets, according to Henningsen, executive editor of 21st Century Wire. Assange could in fact provide information to the committee that would “destroy the sort of mainline conspiracy theory that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and stole the emails and handed them to WikiLeaks. The whole Russiagate case more or less hinges on that conspiracy theory.”

Anonymous ID: eb4dac Aug. 8, 2018, 5:02 p.m. No.2517098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7165 >>7242 >>7342 >>7453 >>7457

New from Sara Carter…


BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions


The more we learn about this, the more it seems like Bruce Ohr was a really key figure…


A law enforcement sensitive document written by senior Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, is raising serious concerns amongst congressional investigators regarding testimony provided to Congress on the involvement of FBI special agents in the probe into the Trump campaign and its alleged Russian ties.


Nov. 21, 2016, the handwritten document lists former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, his paramour FBI Attorney Lisa Page and Special Agent Joe Pientka (who along with Strzok interviewed former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn).


Another congressional investigator told that the notes written by Ohr raise “concerns of previously undisclosed communications with the FBI and Ohr and how extensive these communications were. It also raises concerns about testimony given by Lisa Page, who downplayed her interactions with Ohr in her (July 13) testimony to Congress.”


The notes at the bottom of the memo state, in sloppy writing, “no prosecution yet, pushing ahead on M case,” in reference to Paul Manafort, who is now facing years old charges on financial crimes and money laundering, according to congressional investigators.


Ohr also stated, “may go back to Chris,” in reference to Christopher Steele.

Anonymous ID: eb4dac Aug. 8, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.2517364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7395 >>7413

How close is Bruce Ohr to committing an act of treason by conspiring with a foreign national?


Also Steele keeps referring to "we". Steele might implicating much more than himself (for example MI6) who knows. I assume he is referring to his business partners, but some of the texts about endangering people don't make sense in that context.


I will say this - Ohr and Steele were family friends of each other.


Also - he refers to the SC. Some on the SC is certainly comped by implication here.