Anonymous ID: 3a504a Aug. 8, 2018, 6 p.m. No.2517757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7790


>Sean Hannity - ask @Jack if he is sleeping any better now?


@Jack will be the largest smug piece of shit on earth when talking to Hannity.

And Hannity will rant and rave and make himself look like a tough guy.

And @Jack will smirk like a little turd-pushing prick.

But none of that will matter … and @Jack and Hannity both know it.


Judging by the way he is just censoring any fucking conservative content that he wants leading up to an important election, @Jack clearly has nothing to worry about.

No consequence. @Jack and his leftard friends running social media are doing whatever the fuck they want.

Nothing has stopped them … and it is clear that nothing will stop them.