Anonymous ID: 46eaa1 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.2518072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8274


Future proves past, confusedanon.


Further, consider the implications of Q's clock… Or map. POTUS can then tweet references that point to different intervals on the clock as a sort of cipher. Q can, too.


Consider number stations. These are radio broadcasts that will repeat a set of numbers. These are a form of dead drop. Operatives are given a paper or some other index of numbers and their associated words/concepts/etc. A station broadcasts numbers that can be listened to using simple equipment and anyone who can tune in has the potential to be the intended recipient.


Q and POTUS can call out points on the clock, cipher, or index and we can decode.


Consider… If POTUS just posts random numbers … The media won't legitimize Q by saying "Trump is communicating this."

We are the media. We have the map/index/cipher. We can tell the world what POTUS is saying when he starts spouting numbers or making more low-key multi-posts. Pointing to time on the clock and filling in blanks with misspellings.


Consider the hilarity of it. The media will be FORCED to cover the work of clockfags and other Anons if they want to remain relevant as we can meme what POTUS is saying AND IT WILL BE PROVEN.


Well… Assuming I understand what is being set up, properly.


It's the way I would play this.