Anonymous ID: 61fe42 Aug. 8, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.2517711   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeh, Apple doesn't listen or spy on you.

Unfortunately, they can't gaursentee that about the 3rd party apps. Apple have full control over the system, so the 3rd party apps are a what do u call it a by product?

How many 3rd party apps are actually ((owned)) by Apple in directly...

You trust Apple you're sad....

Fk them, Fk GOOG, Fk Facebook, Twitter, Fk MSoft and all you other spying bastards......


Nothing safe, you use a VPN - you're giving your traffic directly to....

Muh, but I use multiple VPNS, via for and my own VPN servers......

You think they can't intercept traffic on all levels? Who owns the fibre optic points under the ocean - you think they aren't comprimised.


Fk, rant over, stay safe Anons.

Peace, prey, rejoice and Fk the elite.