Anonymous ID: d4aafa Aug. 8, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.2518050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8082 >>8161



quoting another anon from somewhere:



I can think of several possibilities: 1. He’s super dirty and the insider trading is the LEAST of his crimes. But it’s the public one that he’s allowed to use to cover up the rest. 2. It’s a warning to other dirty Rs that this will no longer be tolerated. 3. He’s being taken out because he’s not with the anti-Swamp program. 4. He’s being taken out in order to introduce evidence in his trial. (Q keeps mentioning things about “how do you introduce evidence”) 5. He’s a vulnerable R seat and needs to be removed now in order to make way for a more solid R on election day. 6. They all do insider trading, but perhaps there are agreed upon bounds and he exceeded them. 7. Maybe he backstabbed the wrong person.