Anonymous ID: f46bf6 Aug. 8, 2018, 5:48 p.m. No.2517615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7832

The jews have been successfully manipulating Christians into accepting the notion that the jew are somehow more spiritually in tune with God.

Did you know that Jesus called the god of the jew the Devil?

Whose word are you going to take, the word of Jesus Himself, or the words of the children of the Devil?

Stop being manipulated.

No loving God would permit and condone Child Rape and Murder.

Do you stand with Jesus, or do you stand for Evil. It is your choice.

It is easier to defeat evil than you may think.

Never buy Kosher Products.

Never do business with a jew or jew controlled businesses.

Never vote for a jew or anyone that supports jews or Israel.

Easy, Fast, Peaceful, and EFFECTIVE.

Spread the word to your fellow Christians.

Boycott the jew, starting today!

Anonymous ID: f46bf6 Aug. 8, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.2517722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7770

Did you know that it was the jews that opened our borders to third-world immigration?

Did you know that it was the jews that are behind abortion?

Did you know that the jews and anti Second Amendment and are working hard to disarm Americans?

Are you tired of the Nation Destroying jews Destroying America, like every other nation that they have used as a host?

The solution is easy.

By Boycotting all jews in all aspects of your life, you deny them the ability to further destroy your nation.

There is no defense against the boycott.

By boycotting the jew, jews will be forced into bankruptcy and have no other choice than to return to the ghettos where they belong.

If we boycott the nation destroying jews hard enough, they will self-deport in search of a new host to parasite from.

Boycotting is safe, peaceful, and EFFECTIVE.

Spread the word to all of your fellow Christians.

Teach them about the real teachings of the jews.

Tell them that it is their Christian duty to fight against evil and wickedness in all of its forms.

Spread the word!

Begin Boycotting the jew, today!

Anonymous ID: f46bf6 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.2517788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7800

Boycotting the jew starts by being able to identify the products to NEVER buy.

←- Download this list and distribute it to every God loving Christian. Tell them how jewish law permits Child Rape and Murder.

Explain to your fellow Christian the power of the Boycott, and how important it is.

It is your Christian duty to fight evil in all of its forms!

Spread the word!

Boycott the jew, starting today!

Anonymous ID: f46bf6 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:15 p.m. No.2517961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7972

Do your part to fight against evil.

Boycotting the jew is a safe, peaceful, and EFFECTIVE way to rid our nation of the followers of a religion that permits pedophilia and murder.

Spread the word to your fellow Christians.

Tell them the truth about Judaism.

Encourage them to boycott the jew, today!

There is no defense against the Boycott.

Anonymous ID: f46bf6 Aug. 8, 2018, 6:31 p.m. No.2518139   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Did you know that jews have been thrown out of 109 countries 128 times, beginning as early as 250AD?

Did you know that Grant expelled the jews from several states in the USA?

How come you never learned that in your totally controlled schools?

My Boycotting the jew, not only will you save children from being kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered by the jews, you can do your part in helping to Make America Great Again.

Jews are behind open borders, abortion, gun control, free speech, and every other thing that Americans hold dear.

Do your part Boycott the jew.

Never buy Kosher products.

Never do business with a business owned or controlled by jews.

Never note for a jew or anyone that supports jews or Israel.

In less than a year, the jew will be forced into the ghettos where they belong, and will likely self deport in search of a new host to parasite from.

Spread the word!

Boycott the jew, today!