Anonymous ID: 1d7d36 Of Course We're Not Alone Sept. 19, 2018, 7:53 p.m. No.3097621   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've seen the same exact thing on the Central Coast of Cali. In this sky, they're near Venus when I've seen them…What gets me is they zig zag real quick and then stand still. I've seen them in clusters mostly, maybe twice a single one. Has to be a UFO, no normal detection lights, nothing red, just bright white, and a single light at that. I've always said, the chances we're alone in this vast universe(s) is slight to impossible, just to due to the law of large numbers, probability. And if you believe God and his omniscience you can't deny He wouldn't/couldn't create life in infinite forms throughout his infinite domain.