OK, everyone.
Let's make this a porn-free thread, OK?
No naked ladies (or men).
No bare butts.
No dirty pictures at all this thread.
Let's show all the normies coming in that this is a respectable place to do research.
OK, everyone.
Let's make this a porn-free thread, OK?
No naked ladies (or men).
No bare butts.
No dirty pictures at all this thread.
Let's show all the normies coming in that this is a respectable place to do research.
>Why does it feel like we're going nowhere fast?
I think it feels like we are going nowhere slow.
What's the purpose of trashing Scott Adams?
He's clearly a Trump supporter. He's even had an audience with Trump.
And you trash him because he doesn't believe in Q?
Are Scott's supporters (also Trump supporters) going to be next?
This board is changing … and not for the better.