Anonymous ID: bb789a Aug. 8, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.2518522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8544



Exopolitics: Military Insiders Confirm Thousands of Extraterrestrials Live Among us

8/08/2018 09:39:00 PM Aliens, Corey Goode, Exopolitics, extraterrestrial, Secret News, US Military, USA, Whistleblower


Military Insiders Confirm Thousands of Extraterrestrials Live Among Us WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON AUGUST 8, 2018 As the scientific community continues to speculate about whether intelligent extraterrestrial life exists on exoplanets being discovered throughout our vast galaxy, military insiders have come forward to reveal that national governments are hiding a stunning truth. Extraterrestrials who look just like us not only exist throughout the galaxy, but tens of thousands of them have infiltrated communities all over the planet as neighbors,…