Anonymous ID: f05a0c Aug. 8, 2018, 6:45 p.m. No.2518304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8316 >>8344 >>8345 >>8975

What if Omarosa is a Trump plant? C’mon, guys, put on your We’re Winning hats, and figure out how this, too, could be another win. Think like Trump. If you were POTUS, and you wanted to turn her loose in the media to spin another story, what might it be? Well, first of all, let’s remember that it’s great that the libtards think he’s stupid. Sure, coz we all know that when you underestimate your enemy, you hand your enemy all the advantages on the battlefield. So, it follows that now the libs are eating the line about how POTUS is senile, losing his grip on reality, etc. etc. and Omarosa has seen it all, chronicled it over the years she has known him. GENIUS! Now the new line will be that he is not just stupid, POTUS is mentally incompetent! What else might there be? What might be on the recorded tape, if same recorded tape were personally choreographed by POTUS? If I were POTUS, it would be a short recording, and it must have an insult for someone, or some group, in true Trump New York style. Maybe drop a new nickname on the asshole of the moment. And then, I would have POTUS make a statement about the Russia collusion, an unguarded moment, saying to someone he trusts, that, hey, he loves Putin, great guy, but why would he trust him? I think POTUS likes to keep his enemies guessing, spinning in circles, never knowing what to believe, and absolutely trapped in the circus…the one where he is Ringmaster.