Anonymous ID: 194b01 Aug. 8, 2018, 7:54 p.m. No.2519169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9178 >>9270

To all the people here who are woke to the jewish supremacism issue and feel somewhat overwhelmed when faced against the Hasbara trolls


The way we slay the ZOG is this:

0)Prove to the general public that communist jews have subverted both the democratic party (using the "progressive" political ideology) and the republican party (using the Trotskyite neocons).

0)Prove to the general public that jews control MSM, Hollywood, Porn, NXIVM.

1)Remove general public support of Israel and American-Israeli citizens presence in politics and judiciary system. (easiest)

2)RGPS of Jewish interest groups in the West (including synogogues and rabbis).

3)RGPS of Judaism.

4)RGPS of the fraudulent official version of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust. (Nuremberg Trials fraud, Hollywood use as a propaganda machine to propagate the "6 million jews" meme, which first appears in jewish written history in late 1800's)

5)Offer solutions.



How to remove general pulic support (RGPS):

- Present to the general public verifiable sources that comfirm the claims you are making regard the subject of your claims. Example: the easiest way to poison general public support of Israel is to point out to the general public the verifiable FACT that Israel supports ISIS. How do you prove that claim? You point your audience to publicly available information on the issue, in this case it would be theses articles:

– - "Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria" – June 22, 2016

– - "ISIS once ‘apologized’ to Israel for attacking IDF soldiers – former Defense Minister" - April 25, 2017

– - "Israel targeted Iraqi militias fighting ISIS in Eastern Syria, 20-50 dead" - June 23, 2018

– - "Israel Gives Secret Aid to Syrian Rebels" – June 18, 2017

– - "Israeli think tank: Don’t destroy ISIS; it’s a “useful tool” against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria" – August 23, 2016


Now, by doing this, you're substanciating your claims about the FACT that Israel does indeed support ISIS. You can now drive the point home even further by making another FACTUAL and VERIFIABLE claim, that Israel has supported ISIS with US tax money, because it is both a fact that Israel supports ISIS and that Israel recieves 3.8 billion American Dollars in military aid per year. But wait, we haven't pointed our audience yet to the verifiable source on US aid on Israel, so we need to point out that source too, like this:

– - "FACT SHEET: Memorandum of Understanding Reached with Israel"



5)Offer solutions.

1)Ban every dual-citizen from political and judiciary cargos in the US. Pass a law that makes it illegal for dual-citizens to hold political and judiciary cargos in the US. Pass another law that makes it illegal under the grounds of treason and make it punishable with death and total expropriation of all private property to try to make it legal again for dual-citizens to hold political and judiciary cargos in the US.


2)Make illegal religiously motivated male and female genital mutilation (circumcision) and halal/kosher meat selling and production in the US. Pass another law that makes it illegal on the grounds of treason and make it punishable with death and total expropriation of all private property to try to make it legal again to produce and sell halal/kosher meat in the US and do the same regarding religiously motivated male and female genital mutilation (circumcision).


3)Remove each and every "hate-speech" law that exists, all of them are introduced to exacerbate racial tensions between minorities and Whites and legally censorship legitimate criticism of the state of Israel and jewish history, culture, crimes, group subversion and religion.



Pic related 1 is how such an RGPS operation might look like in image form

Anonymous ID: 194b01 Aug. 8, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.2519272   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kek, lets put that one on the bottom of the list, and only act upon it if all peaceful solutions are exhausted.

I have faith we will find peaceful solutions.

Anonymous ID: 194b01 Aug. 8, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.2519312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9485


Europe will see massive carnage.

No way people are going to pay those animals tickets to nowhere when the social security budgets go tits up.

It's going to be a massive massacre.

Just like the jews always wanted :D

Anonymous ID: 194b01 Aug. 8, 2018, 8:16 p.m. No.2519432   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The 6 million number itself is a meme from the late 1800's.



"The First Holocaust : The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"



Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we been hearing about this six-million figure? The most widely understood answer is that the six-million figure was established after the Second World War during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.


Although it is true that the six-million figure was declared to be the indubitable truth at this tribunal, it is actually remarkably older. This documentary shows that the six-million figure dates back to the late 1800s, when Jewish pressure groups were targeting czarist Russia for its anti-Jewish stance, accusing Russia of oppressing and persecuting the six million Jews in Russia, and adopting a “solution” to its “Jewish question” which allegedly consisted of outright extermination. Claims that six million Jews in Europe were suffering to such a degree that millions had died already, while many more millions would face a lingering death, climaxed for the first time during fundraising campaign that started during the FIRST World War and reached its peak in the early and mid-1920s. The "New York Times" was the main vehicle for such propaganda, which also included well-known buzzwords such as “annihilation,” “extermination” and even the term “holocaust.” Although this sensational propaganda of Jewish suffering slowed down during the 1930s, it never completely ceased and received new momentum in the 1940s during the Second World War. As we all know today, this propaganda skyrocketed after Germany’s total defeat, as the victorious powers of the Second World War seized upon the opportunity to take advantage of such propaganda and to increase its scope and impact.


This documentary reveals a Jewish-Zionist propaganda pattern that has been used since the late 1800s, first against czarist Russia, then in favor of the Soviet Revolution, next against Nazi Germany, and finally and ever since in favor of Israel.


This presentation is based on Don Heddesheimer's book "The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"

Anonymous ID: 194b01 Aug. 8, 2018, 8:38 p.m. No.2519719   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>How could cabal divide if…

Because the average IQ goes down and the regression to the mean means that even if you only bread the top IQ people in a lower average IQ race with the natives (in the case of post-colonization the natives are German descent Europeans, the people who BUILT America as we know it), the average IQ will ALWAYS go down.

And it is proven that diversity means less social cohesion too.

And also jews NEED other minorities as a foot in the door to push for more minority rights that they benefit the most from.