Anonymous ID: 4f9842 Aug. 8, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.2519729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2517565 (ref pb #3176)

I know the smart meter industry well. It's not likely to stand down or reverse course anon. Not saying it can't go that way, but if I were to bet - I'd say we're not going to reverse the momentum on this area. Pragmatic approach might be to go with IBOR content to address by stipulating specific 'finite state' type behaviors for the system. Along the lines of how the ICC administers commerce today, married with IEEE and W3C process and interface definitions published. IPv6 + OOD, OOP, + solid THREAT modeling/hardening requirements can make this much better. I agree it's whacked now, just trying to suggest practical Occam's Razor here.