Anonymous ID: 7c721c Aug. 8, 2018, 8:35 p.m. No.2519691   🗄️.is 🔗kun



One day when things have quieted down for us, I'll do some digging on this clown tranny. bones never lie, and while he hides his shoulder width in carefully angled shots, can't hide them in #1, nor the straight torso into 0 hips. #2 he's still not the whole way into HRT and cut that hair and you can see Ben Shapiro.

Trannies spend hours in front of the mirror posing for perfect angles in order to disguise male bone structure. He's found his best side after all that practice.

You know the C_A spent 2 years on recruiting trannies specificially. who do you think has been pushing tranny bathroom bullshit?

We'll find out if he was born Mark or Ben or Joshua eventually, but right now we have too much to do.