Anonymous ID: eb8e75 Aug. 8, 2018, 8:20 p.m. No.2519478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2518597 Devin Nunes secretly recorded by Fuse activists.

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Fuse is the state's largest progressive organization - people creating change online, on the ground, and on issues that matter.


Our goals at Fuse are to help progressives win more often and give ordinary people a strong voice in politics. We aim to provide organizing and communications power that helps progressives win critical issue and electoral campaigns in the present, while strengthening the foundation for increased success over time. There are four basic strategies we use to help win campaigns and build long-term progressive success:


Organizing: We mobilize grassroots activists online and offline; we build councils of local leaders in key areas that drive the state's balance of power; and we organize political donors. We also organize coalitions when leveraging collaboration is critical to a campaign's success and Fuse is strategically well positioned to do so.

Communications: We deliver stories and messages that move people through new media and the news media, and we train others in the progressive community to communicate more effectively as well. We also produce high quality research to support targeted campaigns and understand our opponents.

Increasing accountability and promoting leadership: We hold decision-makers' feet to the fire when they let voters down, and we back leaders who fuel progress.

Targeting the obstacles to progress: Our highest priority is to solve the political problems that hold everyone back.

Fuse has several strengths as an organization that fuel our work:


A culture of innovation and creativity: we always aim to be an innovation engine and a game changer.

=Long-term timeline= and a focus on movement and capacity building: our strategies are designed to build =long-term power= for progressives in Washington, while delivering =short-term results.=

Speed & Nimbleness: we possess a dynamic flexibility to tackle urgent challenges and capitalize on opportunities.