Anonymous ID: fc876d Aug. 8, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.2519326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9378


Truth be told, as long as there is no DS FKRY then Okinawa's burden is not the Military, as it is all subsidized labor, very strong for the local economy. Their problem is quickly becoming International Tourism. Chinese and Koreans everywhere…

Anonymous ID: fc876d Aug. 8, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.2519607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9792


>I guess we know people there from different groups.


Not trying to DXX you but the people in the groups you know are in Okinawa? and not when I was 25 in high school there…

>Funny how they keep electing anti-base governors when "most" want the bases. And despite tons of money funding Tokyo-backed candidates.

Since you put it this way I reply with, Funny how Libs kept getting elected, Muh voter fraud… Also the Libtard media is the same in Japan as in the US. Fake News! Finally, yes they keep subsidizing [Bribing] Okinawa Politicians with YUGE amounts of money for [Okinawa's Burden.] Funny how that money shrunk exponentially when Onaga got elected though.



You could pretty much say that every single Okinawa has a blood relative that benefits directly from the Bases in one way or another.

Can't say that with tourism unless you count FKD up traffic and crowded shopping malls.

