Anonymous ID: 044663 Aug. 8, 2018, 10:27 p.m. No.2520769   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wave of Israeli strikes hit Gaza after rocket barrage, toddler killed


8 Aug 2018


Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) – Israel carried out a major wave of strikes across the Gaza Strip overnight in response to some 150 rockets fired at its territory, leaving three Palestinians including a toddler dead in another severe flare-up of violence, officials said Thursday.


Most of the rockets fired by Palestinian militants landed in open areas, but at least two hit the Israeli town of Sderot near the Gaza Strip and sirens sounded throughout the night, sending residents to bomb shelters.



Medics reported at least four wounded taken to Israeli hospitals, including a 30-year-old Thai woman in moderate to severe condition.


Those killed in the Gaza Strip included Enas Khammash, 23, and her 18-month-old daughter Bayan, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-controlled enclave.


They were killed in an airstrike in Jafarawi in central Gaza, the ministry said, while her husband was injured. The ministry said Khammash was also pregnant.


A Hamas militant was also killed in the strikes and at least 12 others injured, the health ministry said.


It was the third severe flare-up of violence since July and came despite attempts by UN officials and Egypt to secure a long-term truce between Israel and Hamas.



The three flare-ups, which follow months of tensions due to protests and clashes along the Gaza border, have raised fears of a fourth war between the two sides since 2008.


Israel’s military said it targeted more than 140 Hamas “military sites”, including military compounds and weapons manufacturing sites for the Islamist movement.


It said Israel was targeted with around 150 rockets from late Wednesday into Thursday. Twenty-five of them were intercepted by air defence systems, according to the army.


Smoke plumes and fireballs could be seen over the Gaza Strip as the strikes were being carried out.


The military said it was “determined to secure the safety of the citizens of Israel and is on high alert and prepared for a wide variety of scenarios.”



A statement from the military wing of Hamas claimed responsibility for the rockets.


It said the Palestinian “resistance” had fired a large number of rockets at “enemy positions in the Gaza envelope”.


Israeli television broadcast images of a house and cars damaged by the rockets in Sderot.


– ‘Deeply alarmed’ –


Nickolay Mladenov, the UN envoy for the Middle East conflict who has been seeking to negotiate a long-term truce between Israel and Hamas, said he was “deeply alarmed” and called on all sides to “step back from the brink.”


“For months I have been warning that the humanitarian, security and political crisis in Gaza risks a devastating conflict that nobody wants,” he said in a statement.


“Our collective efforts have prevented the situation from exploding until now. If the current escalation however is not contained immediately, the situation can rapidly deteriorate with devastating consequences for all people.”


The flare-up that began Wednesday night followed an incident the previous day.


In that incident, two fighters from the military wing of Hamas were killed by Israeli fire along the border.


Israel initially said the two fighters were shooting at Israeli soldiers, but Hamas said they were involved in a training exercise that senior officials were attending.



Israeli media reported that army officials had later acknowledged a mistake had been made and the militants had not been firing at soldiers, though the military would not confirm that information to AFP.


Hamas warned Israel it would pay for the attack, and on Wednesday the army said shots had been fired at civilian engineers working on an underground barrier along the border, prompting the military to respond with tank fire at a Hamas post.


That was followed by the rocket fire and then the Israeli strikes.


The escalation comes after the Hamas leadership convened for a rare meeting in Gaza on Friday.


The gathering had raised hopes a deal for a lasting truce with Israel, with the backing of Egypt and the United Nations.


Protests and clashes along the Gaza border since the end of March have seen at least 165 Palestinians killed by Israeli fire.


The majority were killed during protests and clashes, but others have died in airstrikes or tank fire.


One Israeli soldier has been shot dead by a Palestinian sniper.

Anonymous ID: 044663 Aug. 8, 2018, 10:36 p.m. No.2520871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Virgil: The Washington Post, and Axios, Follow in the Footsteps of Breitbart News

8 Aug 2018


Virgil is a big believer in rugged individualism and personal accountability, and yet history has taught him that when people pull together to get something done, well, they’re a team to be reckoned with. And the nation-state is a powerful, and proper, focus of the team. In other words, with the right leadership, Team America can win.



These days, of course, the big threat to America is China, not Russia. Yes, Vladimir Putin is up to whatever he is up to, and yet whatever it is, it’s small potatoes next to what Xi Jinping has in mind. After all, Xi rules a country with 10 times the population, and 10 times the GDP, of Russia. In fact, China is fast crowding on the U.S. Up from virtually nothing just 40 years ago, by some measures, China already boasts a larger economy.


So yes, we have to take China seriously—dead seriously. As Virgil wrote last year:


Now we face a new and greater threat—from Beijing. Yes, 60 years after Sputnik, we see that China, with quadruple our population, is on the move. It has plenty of orbiting satellites, of course, as well as a whole class of satellite-killers that we might not be ready for. To top it off, China’s plans to go to Mars, the next place in the space race, are well far along—possibly exceeding those of the U.S.


Again, that was 2017. In 2018, the DC-based Establishment is finally waking up to the threat from China. Notably, on August 7, David Ignatius of The Washington Post wrote a column detailing the gains that China has made, which could enable the Chinese to leapfrog familiar American weapons, particularly in Artificial Intelligence:


China appears determined to seize this AI “high ground” of future conflict. For the past two years, Chinese companies have won an AI competition for detecting objects. The Chinese are happy for the United States to keep building carriers and bombers, so long as they deploy the more advanced technologies that can disable these systems.


In other words, while we’re spending money on our current generation of weapons, the Chinese are spending money on the next generation of weapons. Finally, today, Ignatius concluded, the realization that we are lagging behind has turned into a “Sputnik Moment.” Ah, a “Sputnik Moment.”


Excerpt 2

For most of the years since, the U.S. has been smartly energetic about further advancing our military technology; most spectacularly, President Ronald Reagan hastened America’s win in the Cold War by pushing forward with the missile-neutralizing Strategic Defense Initiative.


Yet unfortunately, in recent decades, America has been stagnating militarily, as our attention has turned to conflicts that were strategically marginal, if not counter-productive.


As we remember, back in 2001, President George W. Bush decided that the U.S. would save the world by making it democratic. Bush’s hubristic vision gave us two quagmire-y counter-insurgencies in the Middle East, at a cost of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars. Then,in 2009, President Barack Obama came in with his own new hubris; he was determined to save the world in other fantastical ways, including by fighting the phantom of “climate change.”


Anonymous ID: 044663 Aug. 8, 2018, 10:41 p.m. No.2520916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dangerous gene-edited “Crispr” crops classified as GMO by EU – has all the U.S. biotech shills squirming like worms coated in pesticide

Tuesday, August 07, 2018 by: S.D. Wells

Tags: agrichemical, badfood, biotech, biotechnology evil, Bt corn, chemical agriculture, CRISPR, evil biotech, gene editing, genetic engineering, GM corn, GM soy, GMO, gmo lies, gmo mushrooms, gmo propaganda, gmo toxic, how to avoid gmos, propaganda, toxic food, war on cancer


(Natural News) The GMO trolls at the New York Times are at it again, sowing “seeds of confusion” for the typical American consumer, who doesn’t even know what genetic engineering really means, much less gene editing “technology.” A recent European ruling has all the biotech shills throwing their usual temper tantrums, simply because gene editing has been tossed under the danger umbrella with the genetic modification (a.k.a. recombinant DNA mutation) of crops and produce, and rightly so.


GMO huckster Carl Zimmer wants all ignorant American consumers to keep sucking down those chemical pesticides, because he’s paid to convince everyone that anything unnatural and created in a laboratory is absolutely safe and amazing for the environment, plus human and animal health.


The difference between genetically modified crops and gene-edited crops is simple to understand, and they both pose major risks and unknown consequences to us all, but the Chem-Ag (chemical agriculture) industrial complex wants to keep it complicated, cloudy, and ultra-scientific sounding so everyone just takes their scripted word (lies purported by the industry) as the holy grail, pardon the pun.


Beware of foods that never spoil, like Crispr mushrooms, canola oil and BT corn

When you’re shopping for greens at the market, you actually want to buy the leaves that have tiny holes in them from insects chomping a little. That means they’re edible. Get it? If your produce looks super shiny, has no flaws whatsoever, and never molds, never turns brown, and no insects will touch it no matter how long you leave it out, don’t eat it. Seems like common sense, but the biotech trolls tell a much different story.

READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: 044663 Aug. 8, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.2520947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0953 >>0979 >>1001 >>1110

Scientists confirm: GENIUS brain function can be spontaneously unleashed in humans without any apparent cause

08/08/2018 / By Isabelle Z.


Wouldn’t it be great if you could just wake up one morning and suddenly be a genius? Maybe you would like to be a violin virtuoso or have the ability to paint incredibly detailed pictures despite having no training in the arts and no natural gifts that you know of. If you think that could never happen to you, it’s time to familiarize yourself with sudden savant syndrome.


You might have heard stories of people suddenly developing a new ability after a brain injury or stroke, but did you know that this can also happen to ordinary people without any precipitating injury or central nervous system incident?


Scientists say that genius brain function can indeed be spontaneously unleashed in people without any obvious cause. They’ve seen cases where people have had a sudden and spontaneous “epiphany” moment where they suddenly understood the intricacies of math, art, or music. These “sudden geniuses” had no underlying disability and therefore are not considered to have congenital or acquired savant syndrome.


For example, a woman suddenly noticed that she was perceiving the world around her differently when she was in her mid 40s. When looking at flowers or trees, she started seeing textures, shadows and colors in ways that she previously hadn’t and felt the strong compulsion to express this new vision on paper. She immediately bought some pastel pencils and got to work, drawing a rich and eerily realistic gorilla that shocked her family and friends given her past disinterest in art and lack of aptitude for it. In fact, she had never taken an art class in her life!


She quickly became consumed with pastel painting. She said it wasn’t so much a hobby that she could enjoy as it was an ability that she felt she absolutely had to act on. The obsession nearly took over her life, and she finds that she has to hide her art supplies from herself when she needs to focus on things in her life that are more pressing. She has no history of nervous system injury or autism.


In a different case, a 28-year-old Israeli man said that he had a “light bulb moment” at the mall when he saw a piano and suddenly sat down at it and started playing like an educated pianist. He reports suddenly understanding major scales, minor scales, chords harmonies, interval recognition, and common finger placement. He has no history of developmental disorders and is now an attorney who does musical performances on the side.


Is this power hiding within all of us?

READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: 044663 Aug. 8, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.2520965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scientists develop an extremely small and sensitive chip that can detect you by your smell

08/07/2018 / By Edsel Cook


Following a disaster such as an earthquake, search-and-rescue (SAR) dogs are often brought in to locate people trapped beneath the rubble. Their life-saving efforts may soon be supported by a new detection device that can sniff out the scent of humans just as keenly as dogs can, an article in Science Daily states.


Developed by Swiss engineers, the sensor device is no bigger than a computer chip. Its main advantages are that it can be deployed to disaster sites much faster than SAR dogs, can keep working nonstop with no rest breaks whatsoever, and can be inserted into passages that even the smallest canines cannot enter.


The ETH Zurich researchers drew from their prior work on compact gas sensors. The detectors are sensitive enough to pick up the minute amounts of acetone, ammonia, and isoprene that the human body gives off through breathing or the skin.


These chemical sensors were paired with commercially available equivalents that specialized in finding carbon dioxide and moisture.


The combination device underwent trials at the University of Innsbruck‘s Institute for Breath Research in Dornbirn, Austria. Individual volunteers spent two hours inside a test chamber in order to replicate entrapment underneath rubble.


Assisted by their Austrian and Cypriot colleagues, the Swiss researchers reported that the device successfully passed the trials. (Related: Study: South Korea’s largest earthquake was likely triggered by geothermal fracking.)


Tiny sensor looks for chemical gases emitted by the human body

Study author Andreas Güntner of ETH Zurich explained that the individual chemicals could originate from non-human sources. An underground source of carbon dioxide could turn out to be a buried person, but it could also prove to be a small fire.


Therefore, it was vital to get the right mix of gas sensors that covered different kinds of chemical compounds in order to get a reliable reading on the presence of entrapped people.


The Swiss researchers also remarked that humans release different compounds in different ways. Acetone and isoprene are commonly exhaled via the nose, while ammonia is expelled by the body through the skin.



Anonymous ID: 044663 Aug. 8, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.2521187   🗄️.is 🔗kun




What a coincidence!

The Palestine dilemma flares up again just when #Iran's regime need a subject to divert attention away from #IranProtests & the return of crippling U.S. sanctions. …

More reason why the mullahs must be rooted out of the entire region


Iranians are ridiculing the mullahs by sharing this video (not necessarily new) saying this is the regime's first "warplane" dispatched to close the Strait of Hormuz.

Heshmat Alavi ❌



Aug 7



Uniform of a state police captain defecting from his ranks & joining the people.


"I've ended my allegiance with you."

Farsi hashtags translated to:


"DEATH TO @khamenei_ir"





Anonymous ID: 044663 Aug. 8, 2018, 11:31 p.m. No.2521292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1304


You need more sauce, you are taking a leap based on what you say is fake. If it's fake you can prove it. Either find an article or linken or something identifying the guy as someone else or settle for this theory of yours needs more work.


You might be right … but might be sounds a lot like the R theory that dragged people down a rabbit hole to no where.