Anonymous ID: 6e2635 Aug. 8, 2018, 10:46 p.m. No.2520962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0972


There is a lot of info out there but here is Fritz Springmeier:

Billy Graham's Active Role in Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)

Before we get into the details, we’ll take an overview. Satanists thrive on power. Satan loves to give his followers power. Satan took Christ to the mountaintop and told Christ that he’d have a "crusade" and bring every one to follow Christ, if Christ would just bow down and worship him. Christ refused. Billy Graham accepted it. We know a great deal how the Satanists took Billy Graham, the brush salesman and made him into the famous evangelist that he has become. Additionally, we also know from victims of Satanism, that have come out of it, that Billy Graham has been a Satanist himself. How can this be? And how can we know this?


One of the best witnesses is a Monarch program survivor, who has escaped from being a high-level Pentagon slave. This survivor witnessed Billy Graham working for the Illuminati. This survivor also carried messages for the Satanic hierarchy and personally knows that Billy Graham has been carrying messages from the top secret Illuminati to Presidents and heads of state. This person’s information has been backed up by independent witnesses.

It is long but with worth a read.