Anonymous ID: a2ccbd Aug. 8, 2018, 10:52 p.m. No.2521012   🗄️.is 🔗kun

West Virginia Supreme Court impeachments:


The media reports are complete. Excessive spending was investigated, probably starting with posh renovations to offices. Chief Justice Louhry was indicted by the Feds for using email to defraud for hundreds of dollars across state lines and to cover up larger frauds. The accusations against the justices under investigation sound serious: corruption, gross immorality, and high crimes and misdemeanors. There are no more details for these in the documents.


WV House of Delegates resolutions starting the legislative investigation.

quick download and reading.


HOUSE RESOLUTION 4, Introduced February 5, 2018

"Relating to empowering the House Committee on the Judiciary to investigate allegations of impeachable offenses against West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Allen H. Loughry II"

"Although originally asserted by Justice Loughry that the couch was a gift from a prior Supreme Court justice, subsequently Justice Loughry revised his assertion and then stated that the couch was “abandoned property” although it had been in the possession of the Supreme Court for eight years, and was not abandoned and was in fact donated for use by the Court, and was state property"


SENATE RESOLUTION 44, Introduced February 16, 2018

"Urging the House of Delegates to begin an investigation into potential impeachable offenses by Chief Justice Allen Loughry."

"Chief Justice Allen Loughry oversaw the spending of hundreds of thousands of taxpayer’s dollars on office renovations at a time when the state was in a budget crisis; and

Whereas, Chief Justice Allen Loughry asserted through media interviews that he had little if any involvement with the decisions related to the office renovations; and

Whereas, Chief Justice Allen Loughry’s own emails and hand-drawn images recently released by the media through a Freedom of Information Act request show that he was intimately involved with the design and had full knowledge of the expenses associated with the renovation of his office"


HOUSE RESOLUTION 201, Introduced June 26, 2018.

"Relating to empowering the House Committee on the Judiciary to investigate allegations of impeachable offenses against the Chief Justice and Justices of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals."

"[Legislative Audit Report] focused on the use of state vehicles and purchases of gift cards."

"On June 19, 2018, Justice Loughry was indicted in the United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia. The indictment contains twenty-two counts against Justice Loughry that raise serious questions about the administration of the Court and the conduct of Justice Loughry"

"Some or all of the five members of the Court may be guilty of maladministration, corruption, incompetency, gross immorality, or high crimes or misdemeanors"


Anonymous ID: a2ccbd Aug. 8, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.2521019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

West Virginia impeachments (continued)

US Southern District of West Virginia

2:18-cr-00134 United States of America v. Loughry

Date filed: 06/19/2018








Fraud relating to the couch, desk, vehicle, government credit cards, accusing others of malfeasance and fraudulent conduct.

False statements to FBI regarding these matters.

Attempted to corruptly influence testimony of a Supreme Court Employee to the Federal Grand Jury regarding court expenditures.

He wrote a book about corruption in West Virginia.

Claimed personal reimbursement for mileage while using a government vehicle and credit card as an employee benefit.

The government owned vehicles were Buicks, a Lucerne and a LaCross.

Assured the other justices that he was acting in his capacity as a Supreme Court Justice when he was really on personal business, when the vehicle and credir card use was questioned.

Continued use of vehicles without checking them out after a reservation system was instituted.

Lied to news media about his role in renovating his chambers.

Took a leather couch and valuable desk home for years.

Lied to the FBI about the vehicle, desk, and couch.

The Feds were involved because he:

used the vehicles across state lines and used email to request reimbursement from out of state speaking venues, totalling $1600 of fraudulent reimbursement for vehicle mileage.

caused a court employee to email a reporter that the desk and couch at his home were court policy for home offices for justices.

Lied to FBI agents about these matters. US Code Title 18 Section 1001a2: "whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully [lies about it]"

Anonymous ID: a2ccbd Aug. 8, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.2521061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Meme" word origin:

In mid-20th century, social scientists began to study how and why ideas spread from one person or culture to another. Everett Rogers pioneered diffusion of innovations studies, using research to prove factors in adoption and profiles of adopters of ideas. In 1976, Richard Dawkins suggested applying biological evolutionary theories to spread of ideas. He coined the term 'meme' to describe an abstract unit of selection, equivalent to the gene in evolutionary biology.