Anonymous ID: a70762 Aug. 8, 2018, 10:25 p.m. No.2520746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0786 >>0923 >>1106 >>1324

At 18 years old, the Saudi-raised young woman came back to the U.S. and enrolled in George Washington University in 1994, which had a very active Muslim Students Association (MSA). By 1997, she was on the MSA Executive Board as the Head of Social Committee.



So here we have Naseef, for many years the patron and close associate of all the Abedin family, while Chairman of the Muslim World Congress and also General Secretary of the Muslim World League. On its own website, the Muslim World League declares it “is engaged in propagating the religion of Islam…employs all means that are not at variance with the Sharia (Islamic law) to further its aims.”


Although it describes itself a non-government organization, the Muslim World League is an effective arm of the Saudi Arabian government.


And it is no secret that despite years of promises, U.S. officials say Saudi Arabia continues to look the other way at wealthy individuals identified as quietly sending millions of dollars to al-Qaeda.



Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Mecca, Saudi Arabia


Saleha S. Mahmood (aka Saleha Abedin), mother of Huma.

Hassan Abedin, brother of Huma.

Heba A. Khalid, (formerly Heba Abedin), sister of Huma.


Note: Huma Abedin was 12 years on the Journal's editorial board from the year she began on HRC's staff as an intern in 1996, through her years as HRC's closest aid (and chief of staff), and up to her part as vice-chair and "traveling chief of staff on HRC's presidential campaign in 2006.



Huma Abedin is Clinton’s longest-serving and, by all accounts, most loyal aide. The contradictions are hard to reconcile. Until recently these articles in the Journal of Muslim Minorities Association which Huma Abedin as assistant editor to her mother, helped choose, edit and publish, have remained under wraps. And even now, few Americans are aware of Huma’s “other jobs.”


But ignoring Islam puts the United States at great peril. In Andrew McCarthy’s book The Grand Jihad, he repeats what every citizen who wants to live free must know: The mission of Islam is “to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.


“This is to be accomplished by infiltration, education, appointments and elections. They plan to supplant the American Constitutional Democracy by Islamic Law. Their plan is sabotage, to gradually eat away from within, abrading both the system and the will to preserve it.”


Gatestone Institute asks: “Being that for decades, Huma and members of her immediate family have been closely associated with individuals among the top ranks of Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda financial support organizations, and the Saudi royal family, how is it that they have given Huma Abedin security clearance and responsibilities to advise the Secretary on Middle East policy and politics? These affiliations must raise serious questions about her suitability to be so near the Seat of Power in the United States.”


Source (with references at source)

"Aide to Hillary — Huma Abedin’s Other Life"

Anonymous ID: a70762 Aug. 8, 2018, 10:50 p.m. No.2520998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: a70762 Aug. 8, 2018, 10:52 p.m. No.2521008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1040



Question: back in the day of reservation school system, what might have been the better alternative? Do the critics of the system ever suggest a solid plausible alternative other than society turning its back on the malnourished kids and the impoverished and uneducated families?