Anonymous ID: cab85c Aug. 9, 2018, 12:04 a.m. No.2521547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I’m legit chuckling over Jack Prosobiec’s debunk video. It’s almost like a trial run test for the movement. Jack isn’t even trying. He is dumbing it down in such a way that inquisitive folks will likely still checkout Q drops for themselves before dismissing anything.


Either way, this situation offers an opportunity for various interests to gauge the general trends in folks reaction to Jacks “debunk”, for instance, traction of new interest in the phenom and perhaps other variables like the frequency of divisive rhetoric employed among those who wish to defend the legitimacy of Q. Jack dumbed it down enough that anons who are already familiar with the drops can relatively quickly inform an audience, neighbor, family or friend, where Jack failed to fill the gaps, and without being an asshole to folks who are skeptical.