Anonymous ID: d5d3d4 Aug. 8, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.2521495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2521319 last bread


People can rate their own channels or sites

and then if you rate it "incorrectly"



every video would have to be rated by the creator

for language and offensive content

(there are some videos on youtube you wouldn't believe still exist-- involving animals)

I used to run across the most outrageous videos

but didn't want to report it, admitting that I watched the dam thang

some people are sick, very sick


There could even be a political "open discussion" rating

meaning it may be controversial content

meaning "don't watch if you're a pussy hat in the head"

meaning "don't watch if you haven't grown up"

meaning you wouldn't have to monitor your comment section


Children geared content shouldn't even have a comment section


The way it is now

I think they wait for a complaint about adult content before it is blocked

you just have to "swear" ha ha ha

that you are over 18 years old to view it


As far as monetization

creators should be able to pick

from a category of ads for their videos



fuk this "you get what we give you" crap

these formats are "public marketplaces"


Anyone who remembers the young days of the internet

knows how the porn masters were everywhere

they spammed everyone in every way

you couldn't escape it

You couldn't stop it becuz it was college kids

getting paid for doing it. It wasn't a matter of belief system.


The "controllers" of these platforms didn't do squat

and I'm not sure how they finally got it under control.

It was disgusting what they made pop up on your screen