Anonymous ID: 52d4f7 Aug. 9, 2018, 3:10 a.m. No.2522482   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2493


Well… yeah.

He's not exactly an ardent Qresearcher.

But he wasn't talking out of his ass, either.


Q did say some things would be kept from the public sphere… though it seems like we can know all we want if we just dig hard enough.


I wonder if that's what it means…

The information is there and available, the majority not only won't look for or into it…

They frankly won't want to know.


They'll need to know the gist of it all, sure…

But the details…

I feel like we can spare grandma the details… y'know?

She'll just be happy the kids are finally playing nice together.

Anonymous ID: 52d4f7 Aug. 9, 2018, 3:14 a.m. No.2522496   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2500


He never said it was beyond a doubt a hoax.

He never even said it IS a hoax.


Being a skeptic, he presents a what if scenario, but even at the end he's very much saying he wants this to work out unlike every other time in history.

Anonymous ID: 52d4f7 Aug. 9, 2018, 3:20 a.m. No.2522509   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2523


I think I know what you're hooking on..

>Trust The Plan

<Sit Back And Do Nothing




Here's the thing…

What are we supposed to be doing?

Making dank memes for when those who are carrying the load become public.

It's like how I was talking about grandma earlier.

She doesn't need all the details… and she doesn't want them.

She's Gamgam. Just let her smile knowing the kids are safe.

Anonymous ID: 52d4f7 Aug. 9, 2018, 3:29 a.m. No.2522541   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2550 >>2571 >>2604



It's the same skepticism from the first one.

"Or maybe, I just did".


Consider what he has access to as not the ardent Qsearcher.

That video is from August 6th and it's been quite the barrage of anti-Q all over the interwebs.

His channel is focused on the Black Pill… it's his thing.


But… How could Q be a ponzi scheme?

A psychological/emotional ponzi scheme?

To what end?


You remember the "you're really serving the Cabal" shills?

The concept there is that our intention shape reality.

If they could flip the polarity of energy to their means, then they pull out the rug from under us as was their plan the whoooole time and weeeee fell for it blaaaah blah blah.


And.. that's kind of the only other possibility, when you think about it.

Unfortunately… for them…

That doesn't phase us.


It's beyond an "I'd rather die on my feet than my knees" mentality.


This is literally the ultimate us vs them.

The War For Dominion.

Good vs. Evil.


Dude's just still luke warm at the moment.

Does he warm up?

Or does he just stay on the sidelines, forever skeptical of the next step?

Anonymous ID: 52d4f7 Aug. 9, 2018, 3:37 a.m. No.2522578   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2585 >>2596


And at the same time… were you ever in a fraternity?

Did you ever find yourself in a situation where the treasurer gets real somber and says:

"Guys… this party might not happen… we need you to pitch in, or it's not gonna happen."

And then you throw some cash and you get a write off on your dues next semester for the front.


Aaaaaand then it turns out the party was never in jeopardy.

Sure you got played…

But that was one hell of a party…

And besides.

Your dues check was less next time.


Don Juanald is all about expectations, bravado, and blowing shit out of the park so that it's the nicest park you've ever seen with out all that filth lying around. Could you believe? Literal shit! ALL OVER L.A.!

Anonymous ID: 52d4f7 Aug. 9, 2018, 3:45 a.m. No.2522593   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2615


keks aside…

If he sees similarities in behavior…

Especially with the kabuki being played out by Jones, Adams, Flynn Jr., and then the staple paytriots, bullshit artists, and the MSM…


It still goes with his "what if this is fake" premise from the first video?


But then, it's like Scott Adams…

He's an expert on the topic, suddenly?


Or is this kind the logical progression of a person who calls themselves "Black Pilled"?


I've taken the black pill before.

It was followed by the Nile Green Pill.

Then the Græy Pill.

Then the Celestial.

And currently the Spectral.


That nigga's still stuck on the Black.

Red is generally too "surface/tip of the iceberg" and for a lot of people it's wrapped up in the Black Pill.


I just went Memelord instead of MAGAlord.

Though r/T_D did wonders for that progression.

Anonymous ID: 52d4f7 Aug. 9, 2018, 3:51 a.m. No.2522614   🗄️.is đź”—kun



I prefer the Truncle Johnald version, personally, but… context is key.


I also have a collection of:

Comrade Mistress Melania

To go with "Daddy" borrowed from MILO

With Uncle Jeff

And cousins Trey and Jason, though this was before Chaffetz bowed out.


It was the First Family of Justice.

Melania would sit at The Desk while Daddy made everything perfect for Her.