Anonymous ID: ee30f1 Aug. 9, 2018, 4:37 a.m. No.2522780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2823 >>2886

Really got to hand it to the CIA shill campaign for Alex Jones.

  1. Suppress Group A: pro-Trump/Q voices

  2. “Suppress” CIA Shill purporting to be the same as Group A

  3. Have CIA Shill scream cry and make a major public showing of suppression (even to go as far as deleting their own accounts as necessary)

  4. As all attention is drawn to CIA Shill allow slow easement of suppression and push narratives indicating the problem is being resolved

  5. Enjoy huge audience gain by Shill A drawing attention further away from Group A (whom is still being suppressed)

  6. Continue to suppress Group A while everybody watches the CIA Shill drama

  7. Co-opt all of Group A’s narratives and condition Normies to view CIA Shill as Group A and distort perception as desired

  8. Rinse and repeat until the public moves on to a newly manufactured CIA/deepstate “emergency”