I ID: 03d014 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.2524944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4976 >>5046

I found a pdf a year or so ago. Lost the link. It was a controversial transcript of a ancient european religion. Describing how there was a creator god but then he created three goddesses on earth. Each ran the three real races on Earth. White, Yellow and Black.


It was a description of the White Goddess rules and how she set up her society. Rules to live by. Then it continues with supposed history of the first human queens of the Europeans.


Lots of warnings about interacting to much with the offspring of the other two goddesses. Yellow because they were shifty and not to be trusted. Lots of warnings about keeping them out.


It was a story claiming it was the original religion of europe. It claimed to have been hidden because people were destroying the copies when found. Story was it was found in early 1800's in Europe. I think in Germany.


Anyone know of what I am talking about. I wanted to reread it and I have forgotten just enough clues that I cant track on search engines.