Anonymous ID: 64d6fb Aug. 9, 2018, 9:19 a.m. No.2524717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5103 >>5126 >>5187

This is all previous bread shit

Baker said "no primary source", then didn't add to notables EVEN AFTER I POSTED A LINK TO A DOD OFFICIAL PDF


No.2522971>>2522978 >>2522982 >>2523005 >>2523007 >>2523054 >>2523228 >>2523233 >>2523249


Repost I got in at the end of bread…


In case anons missed it. When they started the fires in CA, opened the door for serious PAIN.


State of Emergency declared in Cali by Jerry Brown, recognized by Federal Govt on July 28th.


POTUS can now direct ANY federal agency in any way that will save life or property, authorized by Stanford Act Title V (very broad language, go read it fags)


Opens the pavement for Dod directive 5 (D5), allowing the NSA basically unlimited reign in Cali. (Again go read, too lazy for screen caps)


> d5


> 5 for 5


So, right now the military, NSA, and who knows what other agencies are operating legally in California because (((they))) started all those fires.


Talk about backfire.


> The more you know.


Good summary at /ourguy/




Btw this is NOTABLE as fuck,





Enacting a Federal State of Emergency REQUIRES NSA & MI to collect and document intel of a criminal nature for prosecution per DOD directive 5525.5

Guess you shouldn't have had your commie minions set those fires in Cali, Mr. Brown!