Anonymous ID: bfc963 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.2524592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4733 >>5123



I wish I was wrong, but... I'm open minded. Let me present to you a quick summary of my case.


First, I started watching the campaign speeches of previous presidents all the way back to Reagan. I noticed that EVERY SINGLE ONE ran on a populist platform DURING THE CAMPAIGN... and then once in office SERVED THE CABAL.


So I set out to figure out how one could tell. THE NUMBER 1 INDICATOR?


The cabinet. (I mean the whole, huge, thousand+ position cabinet, not just the NSC etc)


Now, for example, (see image) it was revealed by wikileaks that Citigroup and the cabal essentially TOLD OBAMA who his cabinet would be. Obama was a Brzenski/Kissinger-CIA chicagoschool straussian controlled populist for the left.


Now, after taking the time to analyze Trumps cabinet...


Given how many ashkenazi zionists and evangelicals he hired for the worst positions...


The conclusion based on the evidence is that zionists are pulling his strings.


Thats just based off his cabinet. I haven't gotten into his debts and connections to the NY bankers and real-estate cronies... (for example, Kushners dad was heavily into mafia money...)


I always think of the Bill Hicks joke. Make president, then they show you the other angle of the JFK assassination only they filmed and ask "any questions"?