Anonymous ID: f5d137 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.2524705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4775 >>4845 >>4953

>>2524051 Politician from Dutch PVV party suicided


This is the biggest dutch news i've read in months!

All the signs point in the direction of a suicide-hit: the DAY after she posted her confession, she is found DEATH BY SUICIDE, after sharing the story of being raped. I would say that a confession like that is a relief, and that suicide is very ILLOGICAL.


I already see the media machine revving up to discard her as a lunatic. They are discrediting her stories on all side. This is big. This is very big. This is potentially the proof to what i've always known: The Muslim Hoodlums are the biggest threat to a Sovereign Netherlands.


Also, don't forget that she pointed the finger to Arnoud van Doorn as well. Appearantly the Muslim Hoodlums scoffed down at her after the rape: "Do you respect Allah? Do you respect Mohammed? Do you respect Arnoud?" Appearantly he and her have a long history of friction. Oh wait, did I mention Arnoud van Doorn is Islam Convert? He vehementely denies any claims though What is Taqiyya?


The Dutch aren't Free: They are trapped in Fear.

Anonymous ID: f5d137 Aug. 9, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.2524775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4845



I'm watching her confession (SO SAD), and in the end she breaks down "I can't do it anymore".. Maybe she did off herself

"Keep on fighting the Islam: it's intrinsically bad"

I will, Wille. Thank you for your courage and sacrifice. I hope you will find your peace in the afterlife.